BatchBan Tempering
BatchBan Tempering is a patented tempering software and the industry’s first true dynamic layout and production optimization software. Designed to work with any tempering furnace, BatchBan Tempering uses a state-of-the-art layout optimization algorithm that enables users to utilize a much higher percentage of their furnace bed, while keeping in mind such considerations as the importance of roll wave consistency and glass piece positioning due to varying temperature profiles. The dynamic software optimizes only one furnace bed at a time, with a priority on completing racks to maintain a steady flow of racks leaving the tempering process. BatchBan Tempering will enable your company to save money on energy costs while improving the overall manageability of your tempering operation and assuring the highest yield possible for each furnace cycle.
Software Features Overview
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Tempering Equipment Independent
Seamlessly integrates with any tempering furnace, regardless of the manufacturer
Dynamic Optimization
Reacts seamlessly to any changes in the order sequence to deliver optimal yields and a constant flow of completed racks
Layout Optimization
Patented layout optimization algorithm ensures maximum yield
Instant Remakes
Reproduces remakes effortlessly and intelligently, saving time and increasing yield
Rack Biasing
Pieces are optimized according to their rack priority, giving precedence to pieces that will facilitate constant rack flow
Dynamic Rack Priority
Rush orders are quickly and seamlessly accommodated without sacrificing yield
Look-Ahead Feature
Rare pieces are utilized when a projected sheet yield falls below a user-defined level, increasing tempering yield
Enhanced Security
Access to sensitive information can be controlled by the implementation of user defined levels
Microsoft SQL Database for Greater Data Integrity
Reliable and redundant data storage and retrieval for higher productivity
Exceptional Customer Service
24/7 remote customer support is offered to all HP3 customers, resulting in less downtime and higher productivity

The Team Behind the Tech
Our team has a unique dual expertise in glass fabrication and software development. We know what it's like on the production line, and we are on the line. When you work with HP3 you always get expert support. You are never just a number, and you'll never get a support tech reading from a script.
Let’s talk about your optimization needs, so we can begin yielding results together.